Ethical charter

The Ethical Charter defines the principles and values to which NEYRET and all its subsidiaries, contractors, suppliers and partners are committed.
Innovation, excellence, humility, conviviality and respect are core values of our company in the conduct of its business.
This Ethical Charter shall apply to all the relevant stakeholders of the company: employees, company representatives, customers, suppliers, auditors, consultants, contractors and any other intermediary representing NEYRET.
Each stakeholder undertakes to respect the values and principles set out below. Stakeholders who fail to comply with applicable laws or regulations, or with the principles of this Charter, may be subject to disciplinary measures in accordance with the internal regulations and/or legal provisions.
This Charter is endorsed by the employees and suppliers and made known to all stakeholders.
« Renowned since 1823 for its strong values, the Neyret Group has founded it sustainability and strength on the respect, trust and mutual cooperation it maintains with its customers, employees, partners, suppliers and shareholders.
We are indeed convinced that from sound practices stem the development of genuine, sustainable partnerships that drive excellence and shared performance.
We are confident that it is possible and necessary to align respect for values and the creation of value, so that the company and its success are meaningful and that it fulfils its societal mission in support of people.
The last Covid crisis illustrated the resilience of our company and its ecosystem, and this resilience is nothing more than the result of values nurtured internally and externally.
At a time when the younger generations, who represent the future of our company, are placing even greater emphasis on purpose, we must continue to meet our high standards.
We are therefore pleased to present our ethical charter, which we are committed to upholding in our day-to-day business, whether commercial, industrial, social, financial or environmental. »
The enforcement of these values necessarily calls for compliance with the following principles, inspired by the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact.
Principle N° 1: HUMAN RIGHTS
NEYRET requires stakeholders to support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights within their sphere of influence and to ensure that their own companies and partners are not complicit in violations of human rights, and particularly the rights of children. NEYRET’s approach is based in particular on the respect of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), in particular article 32, as well as the guiding principles of the OECD.
Principle N° 2: EMPLOYMENT LAW
NEYRET requires stakeholders to ensure the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour, the prohibition of all discrimination, harassment and physical or psychological violence; the effective abolition of child labour; as well as the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. Stakeholders must apply decent wages, benefits and working conditions; they must guarantee workers working hours in accordance with international standards and local law. Contractors are required to respect freedom of association and recognise the right to collective bargaining.
NEYRET protects the health and ensures the safety of the people involved in its activity. It requires stakeholders to guarantee that all the necessary provisions are taken as regards workplace health and safety. This is intended to cover the particular conditions and hazards of their industry and in accordance with the applicable health.
Principle N° 4: ENVIRONMENT
NEYRET applies a precautionary approach to environmental challenges and asks stakeholders to do the same. This includes initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility and to encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. Stakeholders shall comply with local and international standards, including those specific to their activities, relating to environmental protection, whether these standards are preventive or remedial in nature. They shall comply with the European REACH regulation (regulation No.1907/2006) which came into force in 2007 to secure the manufacture and use of chemical substances in European industry and whose objective is to protect human health and the environment from potentially dangerous or toxic chemicals. In the same way, they shall follow the NEYRET recommendations relating to specific environmental and public health standards, communicated on a case by case basis.
NEYRET requires stakeholders to act against corruption in all its forms, including extortion of funds and bribery. Any direct or indirect remuneration of persons with decision-making power at any level and in any organisation, public or private, governmental or other, is strictly prohibited, whatever the purpose and form.
NEYRET requires stakeholders to comply with the legislation in force in the country of its company and those of the countries in which its possible production sites are located. In particular, they must refrain from any activity, behaviour, agreement or partnership which may lead, directly or indirectly, Neyret or one of its stakeholders into an illicit practice, and damage Neyret’s image. Each contractor also undertakes to comply with all national laws and international treaties in force concerning taxation, the import and export of products, free competition, industrial and intellectual property, and business law in general.
NEYRET requires stakeholders to declare that the certificate of origin of the products, which they undertake to provide to Neyret for each delivery, is sincere and true. This certificate may correspond either to the official certificate of origin existing in application of agreements between the countries concerned, or to a declaration on the invoice and/or the delivery note, or on any other commercial document in which the description of the goods concerned is sufficiently detailed to enable identification thereof.
NEYRET requires stakeholders to respect the rules of competition so that it is fair and equal. NEYRET refuses all unfair competitive and commercial practices, in particular any agreement with competitors or any concerted practice concerning the financial conditions, the distribution of services, the markets or the customers. Any explicit agreement as well as any concerted practice and any informal meeting having for effect or aiming at a restriction of free competition or fair competition is prohibited. Thus, financial conditions are determined independently, and our competitors and customers are free to make their own decisions.
NEYRET undertakes to provide exact, transparent and regular information and requires the same of all its stakeholders. NEYRET and its stakeholders are obliged to produce regular and sincere accounts which faithfully show the financial situation, the result of the operations, the transactions, the assets and the liabilities of the company. These documents should be prepared in accordance with the accounting principles. Transfers of funds must be subject to particular vigilance as to the identity of the recipient and the reason for the transfer. In this context, any fraudulent or related action such as the destruction of documents, the production of false entries or declarations, the manipulation of accounts or money laundering is unacceptable and exposes the company to the sanctions laid down in the internal regulations as well as the local and international legislation.
According to its Terms and Conditions of Purchase, NEYRET requires stakeholders to respect the confidentiality of information, of any nature, originating from their company, their customers or relating thereto. NEYRET and its stakeholder undertake to process personal data in a transparent manner and in accordance with national legislation and the GDPR which came into force on 25 May 2018. NEYRET uses personal information exclusively for the purpose of recording and processing orders, delivering products, processing payments and communicating with its customers and suppliers. All the NEYRET stakeholders and customers can request a personal data report or assert their right to erasure via the address Without request to our service, the personal data will thus be preserved in accordance with the French accounting period in force.
NEYRET requires its stakeholders to guarantee a working environment which excludes any discrimination and injustice, as well as all other offensive physical, verbal or visual behaviours, whether based on sex, sexual orientation, ethnic origin or religion, disability or age. Similarly, any form of harassment is prohibited and sanctioned in accordance with applicable national and international laws. If however this should occur at NEYRET, a harassment contact officer can be contacted to collect testimonies and support the employee in complete confidentiality and without risk of reprisals by means of the following address: .