Legal notices

Legal notices of
The website is published by NEYRET TEXTILE IDENTIFICATION whose registered office is at Saint ETIENNE (42), registered at RCS Saint Etienne under number 422416255, the SIRET number 42241625500020 et the Intracommunity VAT number : FR37422416255.
The editor is M. Benoit NEYRET in his capacity as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the NEYRET TEXTILE IDENTIFICATION company.
The website is hosted by OVH, 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.
Intellectual property
All the information of the website is and shall remain the exclusive intellectual property of NEYRET TEXTILE IDENTIFICATION. No-one is authorised to reproduce, make use of, redistribute or use in any way whatsoever, any elements of the site, even partial, whether these concern the software, visuals or sound. Links whether simple or by hypertext are strictly prohibited without express agreement in writing from NEYRET TEXTILE IDENTIFICATION.
French freedom of information act
In accordance with the act on information technology, files and civil liberties dated 6 January 1978, personal data concerning users may be the subject of computerised processing. NEYRET TEXTILE IDENTIFICATION reserves the right to collect data on users of the website, including the use of cookies. Furthermore, users have the right to access, correct and delete their personal data. In compliance with the act of 6 January 1978, they may at any time request to do so to NEYRET TEXTILE IDENTIFICATION at the following postal address: NEYRET TEXTILE IDENTIFICATION – Service Informatique et Internet – ZA Côte Thiollière – 42014 Saint Etienne. This computerised data processing, including management of e-mail addresses of site users, was the subject of a declaration to the CNIL (French Data Protection Authority) on 08/10/2008, registered under the number 1321796.